small fish. small pond.

I have a soft spot in my mostly crass and jaded heart for creative folks languishing in rural backwaters.

Places where writing poetry and drawing anything other than titties means you must be gay. And if you are ACTUALLY gay?

Great googley-moogely! I feel your lavender-hued pain.

I’ve had enough dirt clods thrown at me to know: It ain’t easy being–you know, artsy and different and shit.

So, if you’re a writer, or artist, or the leader of a killer jug-band…hit me up!

Send me a few samples of your work.

If it’s really good–I wanna share it with the world. (Or at least the 57 people in this world who might stumble across this temple built unto me.)

If it’s bad. I mean really, REALLY bad…I’ll probably just ignore your untalented ass and hope you go away.

Nah. Just foolin’.

But no really, don’t send your shit to me if it’s bad.



PS. If you’re a well-known and established artist–but have a fetish for appearing on obscure blog formats–feel free to contact me as well! I’m happy to oblige (paying) freaks.

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